Now that you have sitters interested in working your posted Wyndy job, you need to send offers in order to get your job booked. View the job from your "Active Jobs" tab and follow these three steps to offer your job.

  1. Choose your Wyndys. You can view each interested sitter's profile from this page. (Hint: When viewing sitter profiles, add your favorite sitters to your "My Wyndys" list for future jobs!) Either leave the blue check selected to include each sitter in the offer process, or click the check to remove sitters if you like.
  2. Set the Offer Order. Drag and drop the sitters in order of your preference. The app will send out offers in this order, giving the first sitter the first chance of responding and the longest opportunity to accept the offer.
  3. Set the Offer Timing. Click the drop down offer timing to designate how long each sitter has to respond to your offer. We recommend giving each sitter as much time as possible to respond! The app can send offers as often as every 5 minutes or give each sitter a full day to reply.

Now, click "Offer Job" and let the magic of Wyndy take over. The app will notify you when your offer has been accepted, and your job will be booked!